Walt Disney Kostbarkeiten - Donald im Wandel der Zeit 1: 1934-1941 (2 DVDs)

Walt Disney Kostbarkeiten - Donald im Wandel der Zeit 1: 1934-1941 (2 DVDs)
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EUR 4,50
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Available Quantity: 1
    Art.Nr.: VD9251
    System: PAL
    DVD Encoding: Region 2
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    DVD Region Encoding

    There are currently 6 global region codes that identify specific DVDs that are compatible with the players typically sold in that region. The majority of all current titles play in only one specific region unless otherwise noted. Most of the DVDs sold by dreidreizehn.de are encoded for Region 2 only and may not work on DVD players in other countries. Listed below are the six regions:

    1 U.S., U.S. Territories, Canada, and Bermuda
    2 Japan, Europe (except Russia, Belarus, Ukraine), Greenland, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Egypt and the Middle East
    3 South East Asia, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao
    4 Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Central and South America, Mexico, Caribbean
    5 Afghanistan, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Africa (except Egypt, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho), Central and South Asia, Mongolia and North Korea
    6 China


    Region A/1: North, Central and South America, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South East Asia
    Region B/2: Europe, Greenland, French overseas territories, Middle East, Africa, Australia, New Zealand
    Region C/3: India, Nepal, China, Russia, Central and South Asia

    Length: 289 min.
    Aspect Ratio: 4:3
    Language: English / German / Italian / Spanish
    Subtitles: English / French / German / Italian / Spanish
    Special Features: Introduction by Leonard Maltin / Hidden extras / The voice behind Donald / Background information on the creation of the first Donald cartoons / Picture galleries and much more.
    Shipping weight: 135g (4.77ounces)

Products description

Complete edition of Donald Duck cartoons 1934-1941.
36 first-class restored Donald cartoons in chronological order (1934-1941) on two DVDs. Donald Duck in all the main roles of his short films - from 1936 in "Donald and Pluto" to 1941 in "Chef Donald". The DVDs also provide insights into the creation of Donald Duck and his development by Toni Anselmo, who has been an animator at Disney since 1980 and spent three years studying with Clarence "Ducky" Nash, the inventor of Donald's unmistakable voice.
  • DVD 1
  • The Wise Little Hen (1934, SS/DD) DIE KLUGE KLEINE HENNE
  • Donald and Pluto (1936, DD) DONALD UND PLUTO
  • Don Donald (1937, DD) DONALD, DER CABALLERO
  • Modern Inventions (1937, DD) DIE WUNDER DER TECHNIK
  • Donald's Ostrich (1937, DD) DONALD UND DER VOGEL STRAUSS
  • Self Control (1938, DD) SELBSTBEHERRSCHUNG
  • Donald's Better Self (1938, DD) DONALDS GUTES ICH
  • Donald's Nephews (1938, DD) KURZBESUCH BEI ONKEL DONALD
  • Polar Trappers (1938, DD) DIE POLARFORSCHER
  • The Fox Hunt (1938, DD/MM) DIE FUCHSJAGD
  • Donald's Golf Game (1938, DD) DONALD SPIELT GOLF
  • Donald's Lucky Day (1939, DD) DONALDS GLÜCKSTAG
  • The Hockey Champ (1939, DD) DER EISHOCKEY-CHAMPION
  • Donald's Cousin Gus (1939, DD) DONALDS COUSIN FRANZ
  • Beach Picnic (1939, DD) PICKNICK AM STRAND
  • Sea Scouts (1939, DD) DONALD AUF GROSSER FAHRT
  • Donald's Penguin (1939, DD) DONALD UND DER PINGUIN
  • The Autograph Hound (1939, DD) DONALD AUF PROMINENTENJAGD
  • Officer Duck (1939, DD) OFFIZIER DONALD
  • DVD 2
  • The Riveter (1940, DD) DONALD AUF DEM BAU
  • Donald's Dog Laundry (1940, DD) DONALDS HUNDE-WASCHMASCHINE
  • Billposters (1940, DD) DIE PLAKATANKLEBER
  • Mr. Duck Steps Out (1940, DD) EIN TÄNZCHEN MIT DAISY
  • Put-Put Troubles (1940, DD) AUSFLUG ZUM SEE
  • Donald's Vacation (1940, DD) DONALDS FERIEN
  • Window Cleaners (1940, DD) PLUTO, DER FENSTERPUTZER
  • Fire Chief (1940, DD) FEUERALARM!
  • Timber (1941, DD) DONALD, DER HOLZFÄLLER
  • Golden Eggs (1941, DD) DIE GOLDENEN EIER
  • A Good Time for a Dime (1941, DD) JAHRMARKTSFREUDEN
  • Early to Bed (1941, DD) SCHLAFSTÖRUNGEN
  • Truant Officer Donald (1941, DD) DONALD UND DIE SCHULSCHWÄNZER
  • Old MacDonald Duck (1941, DD) HERR MACDONALD HAT 'NE FARM
  • Donald's Camera (1941, DD) DONALDS KAMERA
  • Chef Donald (1941, DD) DONALD, DER CHEFKOCH
  • Hidden cartoon:
  • The Volunteer Worker (Werbefilm 1940, DD) DER WOHLFAHRTSARBEITER (select the devil in the extra menu)

Condition:  Very fine.


Unused item in top condition.

Very fine

Used item is in very good condition.
Item shows hardly any signs of use.
No markings or notations.
Dust jacket or accessories are intact if included.
Sleeve, cover and booklet may show only light signs of use, but are not marked or written on.


Item is in used but good condition.
Creases or reading marks may be present.
Dust jacket may be missing.
It may possibly be a defective copy in good condition.
Dedications / few or minor text markings may be present.
CDs/DVDs may have scratches, but function should not be affected.


Article shows clear signs of use.
Function of the article should not be impaired.
Notes, markings and underlining are possible.
Supplements of the article show signs of use or are missing (Ex. dust jacket, cover, booklet, sleeve, box, manual).

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