Robert Gernhardt: Wörtersee. Gedichte

Robert Gernhardt: Wörtersee. Gedichte
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    Item No.: BC3246
    Author: Robert Gernhardt
    Year: 1997
    Binding/Color: Pocket Book, black&white
    Pages: 320
    Format: WxH 12x19cm (4.7x7.5″)
    Language: German
    Shipping weight: 280g (9.89ounces)

Products description

Many of the poems and picture stories that Robert Gernhardt compiled in 1981 under the title "Wörtersee" (Lake of Words), which have since gone through several editions, have become famous: "Make a sentence with perverse - yes, my rhymes are pretty expensive: I get a thousand eggs per verse." Quoted again and again, they have entered the German vocabulary like some of Loriot's caricatures. Loriot and Robert Gernhardt - like Wilhelm Busch once did, they have made text and image into an inseparable whole that beguiles the eye and ear in equal measure. The comedy of Gernhardt's texts and drawings is based on a balancing act between sense and nonsense, subtlety and crudeness, seriousness and fun. The fact that the poems refer to role models, to authors as well as to literary forms, is one indication among many that they are more artistic than they first appear. The charm of these famous poems and picture stories by the curious artist of language and drawing Robert Gernhardt lies in their clever, critical presence of mind and at the same time their high entertainment value.
    • Ein Septembernachmittag in der Heide
    • Der Mördermarder
    • Neues vom Nashorn
    • Der Forscher und die Schlange
    • Zeichenschule I
    • Vom Fuchs und der Gans
    • Was ich heut sah
    • Materialien zu einer Kritik der bekanntesten
    • Die Nacht das Glück der Tod
    • Entstehungsgeschichte
    • Was ist Elektrizität?
    • Sherlock Holmes übelster Fall
    • Gedicht
    • Mein sei mein ganzes Herz
    • Ermutigung
    • Die allzufröhlichen Mönche
    • Ein Vater spricht
    • PferdeSchmählied
    • Zu zwei Sätzen von Eichendorff
    • Ein Sonntagnachmittag bei Strindbergs
    • Bild
    • Moin Moin Morgenstern
    • Das Nichts und das Sein
    • Ludwig van B im Urteil der Nachwelt
    • Die Schattenwerfer
    • Ein Sonntag
    • Wer von den fünfen bist Du?
    • Samstagabendfieber
    • Nichtzutreffendes bitte streichen
    • Banger Moment
    • Die Nacht die Braut der Tag
    • Der große Atem
    • Geständnis
    • Fragen der Zeit
    • Wie ich's gern hätt'
    • Dreissigwortegedicht
    • Testament
    • Was wäre, wenn (2)
    • Alltag
    • Bitte ausschneiden und bei Bedarf vorlegen
    • Ermutigung
    • Auf ein letztes Blatt geschrieben
    • Sprechen und Schweigen
    Condition:  1-

    Condition 0 (mint MT)

    An exceptional example of a given book. Bindery or printing defects are allowed. Cover is flat with no surface wear. Inks are bright with high reflectivity. Corners are cut square and sharp. Spine is tight and flat. Paper is white, supple and fresh. No interior autographs or owner signatures.

    Condition 0-1 (near mint NM)

    Nearly perfect in every way with only minor imperfections that keep it from the next higher grade. Only subtle bindery or printing defects are allowed. Cover is flat with no surface wear. Inks are bright with high reflectivity and minimal fading. Corners are cut square and sharp. Small, inconspicuous, lightly penciled, stamped or inked arrival dates are acceptable as long as they are in an unobtrusive location. Spine is tight and flat. Paper is white, supple and fresh. Only the slightest interior tears are allowed.

    Condition 1 (very fine VF)

    An above-average copy that shows minor wear but is still relatively flat and clean with outstanding eye appeal. A small accumulation of minor bindery/printing defects is allowed. Minor cover wear beginning to show, possibly including minor creases. Corners may be blunted. Stamped or inked arrival dates may be present. Minor foxing. Paper is cream to tan. Centerfold is mostly secure. Minor interior tears at the margin may be present.

    Condition 1-2 (fine FN)

    An above-average copy that shows minor wear but is still relatively flat and clean with no significant creasing or other serious defects. Some accumulation of minor bindery/printing defects is allowed. Minor cover wear apparent, with minor to moderate creases. Inks show a significant reduction in reflectivity. Blunted corners are more common, as is minor staining, soiling, discoloration, and/or foxing. Stamped or inked arrival dates may be present. Paper is tan to brown and fairly supple with no signs of brittleness. Minor interior tears at the margin may be present. Centerfold may be loose.

    Condition 2 (very good/fine VG-FN)

    An above-average but well used book. An accumulation of bindery/printing defects is allowed. Minor to moderate cover wear apparent, with minor to moderate creases and/or dimples. Inks have moderate to low reflectivity. Blunted corners are increasingly common, as is minor to moderate staining, discoloration, and/or foxing. Stamped or inked arrival dates may be present. Paper is tan to brown with no signs of brittleness. Centerfold may be loose. Minor interior tears may also be present.

    Condition 2-3 (very good VG)

    The average used book. Cover shows moderate to significant wear, and may be loose but not completely detached. Cover reflectivity is low. Can have moderate creases or dimples. Corners may be blunted. Store stamps, name stamps, arrival dates, initials, etc. have no effect on this grade. Some discoloration, fading, foxing, and even minor soiling is allowed. As much as a 1/4" triangle can be missing out of the corner or edge; a missing 1/8" square is also acceptable. Moderate spine roll may be present and/or a 1" spine split. Paper is brown but not brittle. Minor to moderate interior tears may be present. Centerfold may be loose or detached at one staple.

    Condition 3 (good GD)

    Cover shows significant wear and may even be detached. Cover reflectivity is low and in some cases completely absent. Book-length creases and dimples may be present. Rounded corners are more common. Moderate soiling, staining, discoloration and foxing may be present. The largest piece allowed missing from the front or back cover is usually a 1/2" triangle or a 1/4" square. Tape and other forms of amateur repair are common in older books. Spine roll is likely. May have up to a 2" spine split. Paper is brown but not brittle. Centerfold may be loose or detached. Moderate interior tears may be present.

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