The MAD Reader (Z: 1-2)

The MAD Reader (Z: 1-2)
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In den Warenkorb
Lieferbare Menge : 1
Lieferzeit: max. 3 Tage*
    Art.Nr.: CUS2703
    Publikationsland: USA
    Verlag: Ballantine Books
    Jahr: 1970
    Bindung/Ausstattung: Taschenbuch, schwarzweiß
    Seiten: 186
    Format: BxH 10,5x18cm
    Auflage: 24
    Sprache: Englisch
    Versandgewicht: 120g

    • A Vital Message - by Roger Price
    • Superduperman! (written by Harvey Kurtzman / Wally Wood art)
    • Newspapers! (written by Harvey Kurtzman / Jack Davis art)
    • Do People Laugh at You for Reading Comic Books? Subscription Ad (Jack Davis art)
    • Starchie
    • (written by Harvey Kurtzman / Will Elder art)
    • Flesh Garden! (written by Harvey Kurtzman / Wally Wood art)
    • Beware of Imitations! - Ad For Mad (written by Harvey Kurtzman / Jack Davis art) Dragged Net!
    • (written by Harvey Kurtzman / Will Elder art)
    • Beware of Imitations! - Ad For Mad (continued) (written by Harvey Kurtzman / Jack Davis art)
    • What's My Shine! (written by Harvey Kurtzman / Jack Davis art) (article did not appear after first printings)
    • Armstronger Tire (ad parody) (Will Elder art)
    • The Face Upon the Floor! (written by Harvey Kurtzman)
    • (Jack Davis and Basil Wolverton art) (H. Antoine d'Arcy)
    • Meet Miss Potgold (written by Harvey Kurtzman / Will Elder art)
    • Gasoline Valley! (written by Harvey Kurtzman / Will Elder art)
    • Meet Miss Potgold (continued) (written by Harvey Kurtzman / Will Elder art)
    • Lone Stranger! (written by Harvey Kurtzman / Jack Davis art)
    • The Men Who Make Mad - (bios of Jack Davis, Will Elder, Harvey Kurtzman, and Wally Wood) (written by Harvey Kurtzman)
    • (article did not appear after first printings)
    Zustand: 1-2 
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